Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 22 Varsity Ridge Tc NW

CLOSED Completed - Close SR. LP May 22 -sent to HA. - about 1 year ago #23-00355881
Submitted Sat May 20, 2023

Coyote with mange

Type of behaviour: Sick / Injured / Unusual

Specific location details of the Coyote: The coyote was sitting at the entrance to the park at 7:30 PM on Saturday. It did not move when we shouted at it. It blocked our exit from the park.

Date of occurrence: Sat May 20, 2023

Time of occurrence: 07:32pm


coordinates x,y: -11422.035090262001, 5662339.015685319

coordinates lat,lng: 51.09714166666667, -114.1630695

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Mon May 22, 2023 06:52pm Closed with status: Completed - Close SR. LP May 22 -sent to HA.
Mon May 22, 2023 06:52pm Completed - Close SR
Sat May 20, 2023 07:34pm Opened
Sat May 20, 2023 07:33pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone