Fence or Structure Concern - City Property at 2727 28 Av SE

CLOSED about 1 year ago #23-00360821
Submitted Tue May 23, 2023

Wooden post that has conduit nearby is broken and fallen over, presenting a trip and fall hazard.

Issue: Damage or Vandalism

Type of Fence: Post and Cable

Provide Specific Details of the Issue: Unknown what this post and nearby conduit was for, but they're not not associated with building on the property (is on city easement to property)

Specific Location details to assist crew to locate: Adjacent to sidewalk on SE corner where 26 St SE meets 28 Ave SE; broken wooden post and bright green conduit protruding from ground.

address: 2727 28 AV SE

coordinates x,y: 400.71762118198535, 5654701.385819596

coordinates lat,lng: 51.0285952, -113.9942875

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:42am Closed
Tue May 23, 2023 12:19pm Opened
Tue May 23, 2023 12:17pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone