Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 3416 Benton Dr NW

CLOSED Completed - Close SR. LP May 29 - sent to HA. - about 1 year ago #23-00370121
Submitted Thu May 25, 2023

Earlier this evening a coyote was hanging around our backyard. We see it often and it does not care. Later, we took our dog into the Barrett Dog Park behind our house to play with her and chase her around. The coyote we saw earlier stepped out of the edges and started walking towards us. I yelled and waved my arms and told it to go away. It stopped, but walked toward us anytime I turned my back to walk away. I'm very concerned that this coyote is not at all scared of humans - esp. young kids.

Type of behaviour: Aggressive

Specific location details of the Coyote: West-central side of dog park. Often in our yard in Barrett Place NW

Date of occurrence: Thu May 25, 2023

Time of occurrence: 08:58pm

address: 3416 BENTON DR NW

coordinates x,y: -9512.377354718805, 5662827.928200278

coordinates lat,lng: 51.10157165041351, -114.1358187676155

ward: 4

Timestamp Description
Mon May 29, 2023 07:42am Closed with status: Completed - Close SR. LP May 29 - sent to HA.
Mon May 29, 2023 07:42am Completed - Close SR
Thu May 25, 2023 09:00pm Opened
Thu May 25, 2023 08:58pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone