Backlane Maintenance at 4705 21 A St SW
2 deep potholes that could make someone fall off their bike or do damage to a car
Issue: Pothole
Specific details of the issue: There are 2 houses being built and the trucks that have been using that lane have caused 2 potholes
Specific Location details: Back lane behind 4707 21A St SW
Type of Backlane: Paved Backlane
address: 4705 21A ST SW
coordinates x,y: -8025.971930862209, 5652869.621247203
coordinates lat,lng: 51.01207222, -114.114375
ward: 8
Timestamp | Description |
Sun May 28, 2023 10:47pm | Opened |
Sun May 28, 2023 10:44pm | Submitted via Android |