Spring On-Street Bike Lane Cleaning at 83 Millside Dr SW

OPENED about 1 year ago #23-00418903
Submitted Fri Jun 09, 2023

Gravel blocking drain. Because home owner failed to move black truck from side of property City workers were unable to perform proper clean up.

Issue: Missed Street - Re-Sweep Request

Specific Details of Issue: Gravel washed down from the alley blocking city storm drain. Home owner did not move vehicle.

Specific Location Details: 83Millside Drive SW

address: 83 MILLSIDE DR SW

coordinates x,y: -5448.919327298053, 5642518.822986196

coordinates lat,lng: 50.9190503, -114.0774955

ward: 13

Timestamp Description
Fri Jun 09, 2023 12:20pm Opened
Fri Jun 09, 2023 12:18pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone