Spring Street Cleaning at 505 5 St NE

OPENED about 1 year ago #23-00470264
Submitted Sun Jun 25, 2023

Gravel swept down the hill due to rain and has collected at the intersection.

Issue: Missed Street - Re-Sweep Request

Specific Details of Issue: Corner of 4th Ave and 5th street NE. Gravel requires removal.

Specific Location Details: Northwest Corner of 4th Ave and 5th street NE.

address: 505 5 ST NE

coordinates x,y: -3514.4774935977425, 5657764.810417354

coordinates lat,lng: 51.05612397020636, -114.050130949885

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Sun Jun 25, 2023 02:56pm Opened
Sun Jun 25, 2023 02:54pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone