Debris on Street, Sidewalk, Boulevard at 1599 8 Av NE
Construction signs are continually stored in the bike lane. It's a safety hazard and should be illegal.
Location of Debris: Roadway
Type of Debris: Construction / Landscaping Materials / Gravel
Specific Details of issue: I'm going to keep submitting these tickets until something changes. They can't use sidewalks and bike lanes as storage for their construction signs. This road is dangerous enough as it is.
Specific Location Details: South side (EB) bike lane on 8 ave NE overpass above Deerfoot
address: 1599 8 AV NE
coordinates x,y: -1756.0593344551548, 5658124.4563883105
coordinates lat,lng: 51.05936515, -114.0250504
ward: 9
Timestamp | Description |
Wed Jul 05, 2023 06:51am | Closed |
Tue Jul 04, 2023 05:01pm | Opened |
Tue Jul 04, 2023 04:59pm | Submitted via Android |