Shrubs, Flowers, Leaves Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 2008 45 St SE

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1623260. - almost 1 year ago #23-00516732
Submitted Mon Jul 10, 2023

Creeping belflower

Issue: Flower / Shrub maintenance

Describe the concern in detail: Lots of creeping bell flower found within the garden space of this park

address: 2008 45 ST SE

coordinates x,y: 2221.5471713506286, 5655525.385460383

coordinates lat,lng: 51.0359986, -113.9683253

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Wed Jul 12, 2023 08:00am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1623260.
Mon Jul 10, 2023 02:08pm Complete
Mon Jul 10, 2023 01:59pm Opened
Mon Jul 10, 2023 01:57pm Submitted via Android Android