Debris on Street, Sidewalk, Boulevard at 904 Chestnut Wk SW

OPENED about 1 year ago #23-00554924
Submitted Mon Jul 24, 2023

Occupancy is everywhere, this area and its residents really need a serious warning from the city, please access the inside of the bin and the door for the entrance of occupation.

Location of Debris: Sidewalk

Type of Debris: Construction / Landscaping Materials / Gravel

Specific Details of issue: Occupancy is everywhere, this area and its residents really need a serious warning from the city, please access the inside of the bin and the door for the entrance of occupation.

Specific Location Details: Spruce Dr SW

address: 904 CHESTNUT WK SW

coordinates x,y: -9519.886171072927, 5656483.770717638

coordinates lat,lng: 51.0445396820564, -114.135759008163

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Mon Jul 24, 2023 02:32pm Opened
Mon Jul 24, 2023 02:31pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone