Debris on Street, Sidewalk, Boulevard at 2243 28 Av SW

OPENED 12 months ago #23-00585633
Submitted Fri Aug 04, 2023

Location of Debris: Roadway

Type of Debris: Construction / Landscaping Materials / Gravel

Specific Details of issue: Gravel has washed down from alley between 28 Ave and 29 Ave SW and is piled up next to alley on 22 Street SW

Specific Location Details: 22 Street SW, between 28 Ave and 29 Ave.

address: 2243 28 AV SW

coordinates x,y: -8008.141096125629, 5654694.352806783

coordinates lat,lng: 51.02847635449189, -114.1141611770544

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:16pm Opened
Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:14pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone