Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 1604 11 Av NW
Large crack in concrete sidewalk. Is uneven and causes walking risks during the summer and in the winter is a hazard. Previous attempts at patching have come loose and broken out. This part of the sidewalk is also lower than the rest. Causing pooling during rain in the summer and during snow melt in the winter. It appears this section of sidewalk is lower than the drain on the corner.
Nature of Concern: Cracked / Crumbling
Type of Sidewalk: Concrete
Specific Details: Large cracks in sidewalk. Previous patches are crumbling. Sidewalk has also sunk, which is disrupting rain run off and snow melt (causing pooling in front of our house, about 50m from the drain).
Specific Location: 1604 11th ave NW
If at intersection corner? Not at an intersection
address: 1604 11 AV NW
coordinates x,y: -6779.493129893958, 5658468.369290765
coordinates lat,lng: 51.0624195, -114.0967166666667
ward: 7
Timestamp | Description |
Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:42pm | Opened |
Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:39pm | Submitted via iPhone |