Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 1021 39 Av SW

OPENED about 1 month ago #23-00627401
Submitted Sun Aug 20, 2023

City temporarily repaired sidewalk with ashphault, needs to be permanently repaired with concrete to match existing sidewalk as in other neighbourhoods. Also edge higher and trip concern.

Nature of Concern: Protruding Sidewalk Edge (Trip Edge)

Type of Sidewalk: Concrete

Specific Details: We would like the ashphalt replaced with concrete to match other sidewalk. Unsightly job done when city repaired it a few years ago. Also tripping hazard.

Specific Location: Sidewalk in front of the front door

If at intersection corner? Not at an intersection

address: 1021 39 AV SW

coordinates x,y: -6173.067275259698, 5653652.53928286

coordinates lat,lng: 51.01913333333334, -114.0879833333333

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Sun Aug 20, 2023 06:59pm Opened
Sun Aug 20, 2023 06:57pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone