Pothole Repair at 234 Scenic Acres Bv NW

OPENED 11 months ago #23-00657262
Submitted Thu Aug 31, 2023

Couple of potholes in the right lane shortly after the crosswalk

Where is the pothole? Paved Public Road

Specific details of the issue: Lane wide potholes

Specific Location details: Going westward right lane on Scenic Acres Blvd, just after the crosswalk infront of Scenic Acres school in

address: 234 SCENIC ACRES BV NW

coordinates x,y: -15055.715363561254, 5664819.581680837

coordinates lat,lng: 51.11935703425351, -114.2150497454597

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Thu Aug 31, 2023 02:54pm Opened
Thu Aug 31, 2023 02:53pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone