DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM at 1347 Panatella Bv NW

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1630854. - 11 months ago #23-00669578
Submitted Wed Sep 06, 2023

A new protruding curb was installed over the summer and 2 days into school, someone has driven on the new grass that is already brown and dying leaving a big hole.

address: 1347 PANATELLA BV NW

coordinates x,y: -6054.529797726285, 5670360.419766438

coordinates lat,lng: 51.16933252841125, -114.0865738517453

ward: 3

Timestamp Description
Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:12am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1630854.
Wed Sep 06, 2023 09:47am Complete
Wed Sep 06, 2023 09:38am Opened
Wed Sep 06, 2023 09:36am Submitted via iPhone Iphone