Backlane Maintenance at 412 41 Av NE

OPENED 9 months ago #23-00817926
Submitted Thu Nov 02, 2023

Huge pothole. Alley almost impassible.

Issue: Rut / Gravel Request

Specific details of the issue: Huge foot deep potholes. Almost impossible for drivers in snow and ice. Significant hazard for daycare.

Specific Location details: Backlane off 41 Ave.

Type of Backlane: Gravel Backlane

address: 412 41 AV NE

coordinates x,y: -3850.777327516326, 5661604.628992718

coordinates lat,lng: 51.09064057234101, -114.0549688500248

ward: 4

Timestamp Description
Thu Nov 02, 2023 07:35pm Opened
Thu Nov 02, 2023 07:33pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone