Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 309 5 Av NE

OPENED 9 months ago #23-00825909
Submitted Mon Nov 06, 2023

Broken, cracked sidewalk bit of a hole in middle of one slab

Nature of Concern: Cracked / Crumbling

Type of Sidewalk: Concrete

Specific Details: 2-4 slabs of sidewak are crumbling and a small hole as appeared

Specific Location: West and east flowing sidewalk, on north side of street,

If at intersection corner? Not at an intersection

address: 309 5 AV NE

coordinates x,y: -3990.523268877039, 5657869.071922419

coordinates lat,lng: 51.05705814147097, -114.0569224726022

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Mon Nov 06, 2023 04:37pm Opened
Mon Nov 06, 2023 04:36pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone