On-Street Bike Lane - Repair at 7104 Silverview Rd NW

OPENED 8 months ago #23-00856393
Submitted Sat Nov 18, 2023

New road needed in spring or summer

Issue: Uneven Surfaces / Cracks

Specific details of the issue: Roads cracking

Specific location details: Silverview rd nw

Type of Road: Paved Public Road

address: 7104 SILVERVIEW RD NW

coordinates x,y: -13182.963986456996, 5662758.196078962

coordinates lat,lng: 51.10087216666667, -114.188225

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Sat Nov 18, 2023 02:13pm Opened
Sat Nov 18, 2023 02:12pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone