Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 1125 Mcdougall Rd NE

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1636682. - 8 months ago #23-00876191
Submitted Mon Nov 27, 2023

Tripping hazard where bike path creates ramp next to sidewalk Will be worse in snow where harder to see the unmarked rise/drop Please put in some kind of warning or perhaps handrail. This area is full of seniors housing and many seniors with wheelchairs or walkers. This looks like an accident waiting to happen! Its the same on both the west and east sides of the street

Issue: Request for New

Date Noticed: Mon Nov 27, 2023

address: 1125 MCDOUGALL RD NE

coordinates x,y: -2576.440926799786, 5657180.75165369

coordinates lat,lng: 51.05087841949381, -114.0367465260358

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Wed Nov 29, 2023 03:13pm Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1636682.
Mon Nov 27, 2023 03:33pm Complete
Mon Nov 27, 2023 03:25pm Opened
Mon Nov 27, 2023 03:25pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone