Coyote Sightings and Concerns at 1079 Lake Placid Dr SE

CLOSED 8 months ago #23-00919960
Submitted Thu Dec 14, 2023

Type of behaviour: Normal

Specific location details of the Coyote: On Lake Bonaventure

Date of occurrence: Thu Dec 14, 2023

Time of occurrence: 02:22pm

address: 1079 LAKE PLACID DR SE

coordinates x,y: -4130.525682478482, 5643894.503893278

coordinates lat,lng: 50.93142849053493, -114.0587606605246

ward: 14

Timestamp Description
Thu Dec 14, 2023 02:23pm Closed
Thu Dec 14, 2023 02:23pm Opened
Thu Dec 14, 2023 02:22pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone