Fence or Structure Concern - City Property at 117 Covemeadow Ba NE

CLOSED 3 months ago #23-00928582
Submitted Mon Dec 18, 2023

Fence is damaged and requires fixing.

Issue: Damage or Vandalism

Type of Fence: Noise Barrier Wall or Sound Wall

Provide Specific Details of the Issue: Fence seems damaged and it requires fixing.

Specific Location details to assist crew to locate: This public fence lies at the back of 154 Covemeadow Road NE.

address: 117 COVEMEADOW BA NE

coordinates x,y: -4645.781925440703, 5670673.80641442

coordinates lat,lng: 51.1721629, -114.0664342

ward: 3

Timestamp Description
Thu May 02, 2024 02:15pm Closed
Mon Dec 18, 2023 03:50pm Opened
Mon Dec 18, 2023 03:49pm Submitted via Android Android