Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 3225 Mackay Rd NW

CLOSED 5 months ago #24-00124204
Submitted Mon Feb 19, 2024

Nature of Concern: Cracked / Crumbling

Type of Sidewalk: Concrete

Specific Details: Work needs to be done to level this part where the road meets the sidewalk it can pose as a major tripping hazard in a freeze thaw cycle

Specific Location: South end of 32nd Ave nw turning on to shaganappi

If at intersection corner? SW

address: 3225 MACKAY RD NW

coordinates x,y: -10708.106285073718, 5660578.724824844

coordinates lat,lng: 51.08133107, -114.1528248

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:27am Closed
Mon Feb 19, 2024 04:25pm Opened
Mon Feb 19, 2024 04:24pm Submitted via Android Android