Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 4943 Ogden Rd SE

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1641317. - 5 months ago #24-00130958
Submitted Wed Feb 21, 2024

Hazard. Water pooling and freezing at night. This morning my front wheel got caught up in it and I went flying, hurt myself and damaged my bike. 51.01064? N, 114.01090? W Pathway along Ogden Road right before it goes under Deerfoot

Issue: Water Pooling

Date Noticed: Wed Feb 21, 2024

address: 4943 OGDEN RD SE

coordinates x,y: -768.8040540047343, 5652686.090809088

coordinates lat,lng: 51.01047778333333, -114.01095555

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Thu Feb 22, 2024 07:06am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1641317.
Wed Feb 21, 2024 06:36pm Complete
Wed Feb 21, 2024 06:28pm Opened
Wed Feb 21, 2024 06:27pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone