Traffic/Pedestrian Signal Repair at 8540 Silver Springs Rd NW

CLOSED 5 months ago #24-00144884
Submitted Tue Feb 27, 2024

Safety concern for pedestrians (students) trying to cross Nose Hill Drive (60km zone) to get to Calgary transit. This is a high traffic commute for multiple schools. Needs pedestrian lights

Type of Traffic Device: Pedestrian Walk Sign or Accessible Signal

Specific details of problem: Safety concern for pedestrians (students) trying to cross Nose Hill Drive (60km zone) to get to Calgary transit. This is a high traffic commute for multiple schools. Needs pedestrian lights

Direction of Travel: All Directions

Date you noticed problem: Mon Feb 19, 2024

address: 8540 SILVER SPRINGS RD NW

coordinates x,y: -14768.887958215746, 5663754.512481754

coordinates lat,lng: 51.10978998845236, -114.2109092584309

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Tue Feb 27, 2024 08:35pm Closed
Tue Feb 27, 2024 07:53pm Opened
Tue Feb 27, 2024 07:53pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone