Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 117 5 Av SW

CLOSED Non-Roads Streetlight. Mar 1/2024 CP - This report is not a Roads streetlight or streetlight maintenance concern. Closing SR. Created Roads - Plus 15 Skywalk SR 24-00151446, see linked SR. - 6 months ago #24-00151291
Submitted Fri Mar 01, 2024

+15 Bowvalley Bridge Signage inside Suncor Energy Centre (Sign Light Burnt-out)

Nature of Concern: One Light Out

What is Streetlight lighting? Pedestrian Bridge or Tunnel

Describe the issue: Light is out on Signage, people are not able to see Signage due to Light out, causing directional issues. Requires Light replacement.

Any other location details: Inside Suncor Energy Centre +15 Exit to Bowvalley Square bridge Signage

address: 117 5 AV SW

coordinates x,y: -4469.128502978995, 5656849.606120388

coordinates lat,lng: 51.04788991, -114.06373691

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Fri Mar 01, 2024 02:44pm Closed with status: Non-Roads Streetlight. Mar 1/2024 CP - This report is not a Roads streetlight or streetlight maintenance concern. Closing SR. Created Roads - Plus 15 Skywalk SR 24-00151446, see linked SR.
Fri Mar 01, 2024 09:34am Non-Roads Streetlight
Fri Mar 01, 2024 08:51am Opened
Fri Mar 01, 2024 08:50am Submitted via Android Android