Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 11540 24 St SE

CLOSED about 1 month ago #24-00186074
Submitted Thu Mar 14, 2024

Timing at this intersection is horrible. Vehicles get trapped in the intersection frequently.

Concern: Signal Timing

Road you are travelling on: 5 st

Direction of Travel: South

Time of Day: Midday

Describe Issue: Poor timing. Only 3 cars fit between west and east bound Glenmore trail. Requires a bit more precision. Also, the paint on the road turning left on to east bound Glenmore frontage does not match the left turn sign in the picture. Left turn sign shows both left turning lanes can turn into the far lanes. However, the paint shows just the one lane has access to both far lanes. Very confusing.

address: 11540 24 ST SE

coordinates x,y: 3.547545041701672, 5646098.632624599

coordinates lat,lng: 50.95125815547392, -113.9999495113248

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Tue Jun 04, 2024 02:03pm Closed
Thu Mar 14, 2024 01:13pm Opened
Thu Mar 14, 2024 01:13pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone