Snow On City Road at 147 Ranchero Pl NW

CLOSED 4 months ago #24-00210618
Submitted Sun Mar 24, 2024

Snow & Ice pile left beside swale exit

Issue: Road Plowing/Clearing request - hazardous/emerg

Specific details of issue: Snowplow left pile of Snowplow & Ice beside swale exit blocking drainage. Please remove.

Specific location details: Swale location beside 7920 Ranchero Dr NW / 147 Ranchero Place NW

address: 147 RANCHERO PL NW

coordinates x,y: -13276.573679799742, 5665241.122223931

coordinates lat,lng: 51.12319047, -114.18965288

ward: 2

Timestamp Description
Sun Mar 24, 2024 05:22pm Closed
Sun Mar 24, 2024 08:45am Opened
Sun Mar 24, 2024 08:44am Submitted via Android Android