Snow On City Road at 201 19 Av SW

CLOSED 4 months ago #24-00221103
Submitted Thu Mar 28, 2024

Another great snow clearing job by the city

Issue: Road Plowing/Clearing request - hazardous/emerg

Specific details of issue: Snow was never cleared properly by city so now it will be an icy slushy mess for next 4-5 days

Specific location details: On heavily travelled pedestrian walkway

address: 201 19 AV SW

coordinates x,y: -4587.273525340469, 5655439.836656375

coordinates lat,lng: 51.03521552924371, -114.0654039989542

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Thu Apr 04, 2024 05:28pm Closed
Thu Mar 28, 2024 08:01am Opened
Thu Mar 28, 2024 07:59am Submitted via iPhone Iphone