Backlane Maintenance at 6340 Travois Cr NW

OPENED 4 months ago #24-00237502
Submitted Wed Apr 03, 2024

Massive potholes in the backlane which is causing flooding and limiting accessibility into garages

Issue: Rut / Gravel Request

Specific details of the issue: Massive potholes that need to be filled and the lane grated

Specific Location details: Behind 6340 Travois Cres

Type of Backlane: Gravel Backlane

address: 6340 TRAVOIS CR NW

coordinates x,y: -4454.694534251616, 5663707.124138151

coordinates lat,lng: 51.10953688, -114.06361554

ward: 4

Timestamp Description
Wed Apr 03, 2024 06:36pm Opened
Wed Apr 03, 2024 06:36pm Submitted via Android Android