Shrubs, Flowers, Leaves Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 135 Cranarch Tc SE

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1643968. - 4 months ago #24-00249557
Submitted Mon Apr 08, 2024

Turf Repair in Public Park

Issue: Turf repair

Describe the concern in detail: Muddy hole - every year becomes deeper, needs to be filled with soil and topped with seed. Possibly a barrier around the space so public don't continue to walk and dig in area.

address: 135 CRANARCH TC SE

coordinates x,y: 1974.5874937510312, 5637038.530138811

coordinates lat,lng: 50.869805, -113.9719466666667

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Wed Apr 10, 2024 08:14am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1643968.
Mon Apr 08, 2024 03:24pm Complete
Mon Apr 08, 2024 03:18pm Opened
Mon Apr 08, 2024 03:17pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone