Furniture or Structure Concern in a Park-WAM at 4304 Chippewa Rd NW

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1644226. - 4 months ago #24-00258097
Submitted Wed Apr 10, 2024

Steel cover on top of a access site that is bent and now poses a tripping and/or hazard if someone or to run into it and injure themselves.

Type of service: Parking Lot / Park Road Maintenance

Describe the concern. As above Steel cover on top of a access site that is bent and now poses a tripping and/or hazard if someone or to run into it and injure themselves.

address: 4304 CHIPPEWA RD NW

coordinates x,y: -7823.608753750689, 5661893.833293807

coordinates lat,lng: 51.09319999999996, -114.1116861666667

ward: 4

Timestamp Description
Thu Apr 11, 2024 07:31am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1644226.
Wed Apr 10, 2024 08:06pm Complete
Wed Apr 10, 2024 07:57pm Opened
Wed Apr 10, 2024 07:57pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone