Debris on Street, Sidewalk, Boulevard at 89 Evanscrest Gd NW

CLOSED about 1 month ago #24-00258194
Submitted Wed Apr 10, 2024

Trash thrown beside of the road. 144 Ave NW with 14th St.

Location of Debris: Roadway

Type of Debris: Boxes / Cardboard / Paper Bundles

Specific Details of issue: Vandals are throwing trash on road side. 200 meters west of this spot there are 2 mattresses thrown too. I already reported them but they haven't been removed yet.

Specific Location Details: Google:

address: 89 EVANSCREST GD NW

coordinates x,y: -6900.505032022366, 5671771.388943079

coordinates lat,lng: 51.18200688325911, -114.0986975277657

ward: 2

Timestamp Description
Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:04am Closed
Wed Apr 10, 2024 09:50pm Opened
Wed Apr 10, 2024 09:48pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone