Pothole Repair at 99 Crowfoot Ri NW

OPENED 4 months ago #24-00264683
Submitted Fri Apr 12, 2024

Sink hole where city manhole is located. Facing towards crowfoot business area, near corner of 7-11 & KalTire

Where is the pothole? Paved Public Road

Specific details of the issue: Deep pot hole around Manhole

Specific Location details: On right side of dual lane. Off center

address: 99 CROWFOOT RI NW

coordinates x,y: -14678.191951427822, 5665628.808485256

coordinates lat,lng: 51.12664141211098, -114.2096903250165

ward: 2

Timestamp Description
Fri Apr 12, 2024 05:16pm Opened
Fri Apr 12, 2024 05:15pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone