Road Repair at 752 Strathcona Dr SW

CLOSED 3 months ago #24-00265170
Submitted Fri Apr 12, 2024

Pothole starting on road

Issue: Uneven Surface / Cracks

Specific details of the issue: See picture

Specific location details: See address

Type of Road: Paved Public Road

address: 752 STRATHCONA DR SW

coordinates x,y: -11962.221083781418, 5656206.649250401

coordinates lat,lng: 51.04200279999999, -114.1705788

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Mon Apr 15, 2024 04:22pm Closed
Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:53pm Opened
Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:51pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone