Fence or Structure Concern - City Property at 230 Copperfield Gv SE

CLOSED 3 months ago #24-00265902
Submitted Sat Apr 13, 2024

Vinyl fence behind 234 Copperfield Grove SE

Issue: Needs Repair

Type of Fence: Noise Barrier Wall or Sound Wall

Provide Specific Details of the Issue: A portion of the fence has been removed along the back lane has been removed and replaced with a homemade wooden door

Specific Location details to assist crew to locate: In vinyl fence on south side of back lane

address: 230 COPPERFIELD GV SE

coordinates x,y: 4396.278088698391, 5641244.315331595

coordinates lat,lng: 50.90760154, -113.93749069

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:39pm Closed
Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:31pm Opened
Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:31pm Submitted via Android Android