Furniture or Structure Concern in a Park-WAM at 640 17 Av SE

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1644573. - 3 months ago #24-00267728
Submitted Sun Apr 14, 2024

<<<311COMMENTS: Items in the river will be cleaned up/removed during the Annual Pathway and River Cleanup program, scheduled for May 3-5th. Thank you for letting us know, your file will be closed. If you still notice the table in the river past May 5th, we would appreciate if you could let us know.">>>

Type of service: Benches / Tables / Furniture

Describe the concern. Picnic table thrown into the river

address: 640 17 AV SE

coordinates x,y: -3485.1919116179383, 5655716.220988575

coordinates lat,lng: 51.03770789039314, -114.0496935076955

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Thu Apr 18, 2024 01:20pm Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1644573.
Sun Apr 14, 2024 03:54pm Complete
Sun Apr 14, 2024 03:45pm Opened
Sun Apr 14, 2024 03:44pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone