Pothole Repair at 10608 Fairmount Dr SE

CLOSED 3 months ago #24-00269010
Submitted Mon Apr 15, 2024

pothole, pedestrian crosswalk corner of Willow Park Drive and Fairmount Drive hazard to pedestrians

Where is the pothole? Paved Public Road

Specific details of the issue: long deep crack, 100 cm x 20 cm

Specific Location details: crosswalk, east side of Fairmount Drive

address: 10608 FAIRMOUNT DR SE

coordinates x,y: -4136.739905991573, 5646893.652945242

coordinates lat,lng: 50.95839044438037, -114.0588831132837

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:45am Closed
Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:01am Opened
Mon Apr 15, 2024 09:59am Submitted via iPhone Iphone