Furniture or Structure Concern in a Park-WAM at 187 Citadel Peak Ci NW

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1644682. - 3 months ago #24-00270320
Submitted Mon Apr 15, 2024

Broken box lid with pointy along fence by playground near parks water management box

Describe the concern. Safety

address: 187 CITADEL PEAK CI NW

coordinates x,y: -11996.376818676095, 5667898.947774193

coordinates lat,lng: 51.14711135958317, -114.1714541086308

ward: 2

Timestamp Description
Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:04am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1644682.
Mon Apr 15, 2024 01:36pm Complete
Mon Apr 15, 2024 01:28pm Opened
Mon Apr 15, 2024 01:27pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone