In a Park - Litter Pick Up or Overflowing Park Bins-WAM at 1417 33 St SW

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1644729. - 3 months ago #24-00271724
Submitted Mon Apr 15, 2024

Embarrassing and sad amount of garbage in the field adjacent to the Westbrook train station. This field is typically full of weeds, which I wish the city would do something about and now it's full of garbage. Please send some workers to clean this up as a professional city like ours should not look like this. Also please check all the construction sites surrounding this field as I am sure they are "helping" with the garbage cumulation.

Issue: Litter/Debris pickup

address: 1417 33 ST SW

coordinates x,y: -9554.400021742735, 5656015.0004473915

coordinates lat,lng: 51.040325, -114.1362388333333

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Thu Apr 18, 2024 08:41am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1644729.
Mon Apr 15, 2024 06:04pm Complete
Mon Apr 15, 2024 05:56pm Opened
Mon Apr 15, 2024 05:56pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone