Road Repair at 378 Panamount Dr NW

OPENED 3 months ago #24-00271837
Submitted Mon Apr 15, 2024

Oil on roadway.

Issue: Uneven Surface / Cracks

Specific details of the issue: Oil all over road.

Specific location details: 370 Panamount Dr. NW

Type of Road: Paved Public Road

address: 378 PANAMOUNT DR NW

coordinates x,y: -5266.774960282818, 5669226.637303827

coordinates lat,lng: 51.15914813828894, -114.0752931446255

ward: 3

Timestamp Description
Mon Apr 15, 2024 06:58pm Opened
Mon Apr 15, 2024 06:57pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone