Fence or Structure Concern - City Property at 1901 Glenmount Dr SW

CLOSED 3 months ago #24-00272329
Submitted Tue Apr 16, 2024

Fence is down. Open pit Public danger

Issue: Needs Repair

Type of Fence: Screening Fence

Provide Specific Details of the Issue: Public danger fence down fouling side walk

Specific Location details to assist crew to locate: Address given

address: 1901 GLENMOUNT DR SW

coordinates x,y: -10604.55271775318, 5655711.234073325

coordinates lat,lng: 51.03757581361096, -114.151204309797

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Tue Apr 16, 2024 03:08pm Closed
Tue Apr 16, 2024 07:43am Opened
Tue Apr 16, 2024 07:42am Submitted via iPhone Iphone