Backlane Maintenance at 440 18 Av NE

OPENED 3 months ago #24-00276937
Submitted Wed Apr 17, 2024

Issue: Rut / Gravel Request

Specific details of the issue: Large amounts of water collect in the alley behind my house and the houses behind me. Thank you

Specific Location details: The alley at the rear of my house and the house on the east side of me.

Type of Backlane: Gravel Backlane

address: 440 18 AV NE

coordinates x,y: -3771.968742929089, 5659197.922401243

coordinates lat,lng: 51.06900558623273, -114.0538187714368

ward: 4

Timestamp Description
Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:33am Opened
Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:31am Submitted via iPhone Iphone