On-Street Bike Lane - Repair at 3136 Linden Dr SW

CLOSED 3 months ago #24-00281368
Submitted Thu Apr 18, 2024

Trench from new build across the street has sunk and cars bottom out on dip that's formed.

Issue: Uneven Surfaces / Cracks

Specific details of the issue: Trench to main waterline from homes Nicks has sunk. Developer says its city problem when called.

Specific location details: Front of house across the street.

Type of Road: Paved Public Road

address: 3136 LINDEN DR SW

coordinates x,y: -9220.554780772178, 5650812.842159003

coordinates lat,lng: 50.99356433739052, -114.1313462702889

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Mon Apr 22, 2024 03:22pm Closed
Thu Apr 18, 2024 01:29pm Opened
Thu Apr 18, 2024 01:28pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone