Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 608 Riverdale Av SW

CLOSED 3 months ago #24-00282557
Submitted Thu Apr 18, 2024

Request Sign. Lansdowne Ave Sw & Northbound Elbow Drive 2 lane right turn. "Right turn permitted after stopping"

Issue: Permanent Sign (Add or Modify)

Details of request: There is not a good understanding by drivers using this road that you can turn right on a red light as long as you come to a complete to a complete stop and yield to oncoming traffic. This causes unnecessary traffic back ups. This would be extremely beneficial to this already challenging intersection during high traffic periods.

Specific location details: Lansdowne Ave SW and Elbow Drive 2 lane turning lane onto North bound Elbow Drive

address: 608 RIVERDALE AV SW

coordinates x,y: -5475.052273775591, 5653452.45229532

coordinates lat,lng: 51.0173416652141, -114.0780316745843

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Mon Apr 22, 2024 02:32pm Closed
Thu Apr 18, 2024 05:57pm Opened
Thu Apr 18, 2024 05:55pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone