Pothole Repair at 115 Legacy Ci SE

CLOSED 2 months ago #24-00370142
Submitted Mon May 20, 2024

Where is the pothole? Paved Public Road

Specific details of the issue: Seriously I could take 100 pothole photos just on this road. Here are more

Specific Location details: Middle of road

address: 115 LEGACY CI SE

coordinates x,y: -1205.4448938205783, 5635622.056030108

coordinates lat,lng: 50.85707299371018, -114.0171213170685

ward: 14

Timestamp Description
Mon May 20, 2024 09:01am Closed
Mon May 20, 2024 09:01am Opened
Mon May 20, 2024 09:00am Submitted via iPhone Iphone